Questions on SRG SSR
What is SRG SSR? Are Play SRF and Play Suisse the same thing? What does SRG SSR do with my radio and television licence fee? The answers to these and other questions are given below. Do you have any other question? Don’t hesitate to contact us at medienstelle.srg(at)
Our organisation

What does SRG SSR stand for?

How did SRG SSR emerge?

What languages does SRG SSR offer?

What is the difference between SRG SSR, SRF and SRG.D?

What can I do as a member of the SRG SSR association?

What is SWI

Is SRG SSR a state broadcaster?
Our mandate

Why does SRG SSR exist?

What is public service?

Why does SRG SSR produce its own series and films?

Why does SRG SSR produce entertainment shows?
Our offering

Why does SRG SSR have online offerings?

What offerings are available for people with a sensory disability?

How much does SRG SSR's radio and TV programming cost?

What is teletext?

What is the difference between Play Suisse and Play SRF?

Do people still listen to and watch SRG SSR's radio and TV programmes?
Our partners and cooperations

How do Swiss Solidarity and SRG SSR work together?

How does SRG SSR support Swiss filmmaking?

How does SRG SSR support Swiss music?

To what extent does SRG SSR support Keystone-SDA?

Does SRG SSR work with private film producers?
Our funding

Who pays a licence fee for radio and television and who doesn't?

How much is the radio and television licence fee?

How much is the media licence fee for companies?

What proportion of the SRG SSR budget is accounted for by the corporate licence fee?

What is the annual revenue from the licence fee and what share does SRG SSR receive?

What has SRG SSR got to do with Serafe?

Why does SRG SSR receive the lion's share of the licence fee income?

What does SRG SSR do with my radio and television licence fee?

Why am I forced to pay for SRG SSR's services?

Would it be fair to say that the Serafe is a forced fee?

Wouldn't a licence fee of CHF 200 be enough to fund SRG SSR?
Our employees

What jobs are there at SRG SSR?

How many employees does SRG SSR have in each language region?

What are the working conditions like at SRG SSR?

Does SRG SSR only employ "left-wing" journalists?
Our program distribution

How does crisis communication work?

How can I switch my radio from UKW to DAB+?

Can I access SRG SSR's archives?

Why is SRF on TikTok and YouTube?
Our regulator and complaints bodies

Who regulates SRG SSR?

What legal rules does SRG have to comply with?

Where can I complain about a programme?