Basic provision in crisis situation
We are mandated by the Federal Council to inform the Swiss population also in crisis situations at least via radio (article 24 of SRG-Concession). The SRG is one of the so-called critical infrastructures, i.e. those service providers that are essential for the economy or the livelihoods of the population.

In order to be able to inform the population even in exceptional situations, we have built up a crisis-resistant radio infrastructure. We also operate the ICARO system, which all operations centres of the cantonal police are connected to. Furthermore, we have concluded a service agreement with the Confederation, called the IBBK radio (information by radio of the public by the Confederation in case of an emergency). This means that in a crisis situation we can receive subsidiary support from the federal military infrastructure if needed.
The importance of the radio in times of crisis
- More than 96% of the Swiss population is reachable by radio.
- Radio can be received in air-raid shelters.
- Radio production and broadcast are emergency power-backed.
- Numerous people have access to an autonomous device (e.g. car radio).
What to do in case of an emergency alarm?
- Listen to the radio
- Follow the instructions from the authorities
- Inform your neighbours
Go to the website of the Federal Office for Civil Protection FOCP for more information: Alerting and informing