Solidarity and dialogue

With our public service, we provide the people of Switzerland with radio and television programmes, encouraging diversity of opinion. At the same time, we present a comprehensive picture of real life in Switzerland at national, language-regional and – through the radio – at regional level and in all socially relevant areas – from politics, culture and business to society, sport and entertainment.

This is how we contribute to the solidarity between our various regions, to the dialogue between the language regions and to mutual understanding between different cultures.

In other words, we distinguish ourselves from commercial service providers because

  • we take all language regions and majority and minority groups into account,
  • we offer diversity in terms of topics, content and creative forms,
  • we don’t just depict culture, we create it,
  • we don’t strive to fill quotas; instead we put the focus on quality, credibility and relevance,
  • we are independent from political and economic interests.

Last updated: February 2024