The SRG SSR timeline since 1931
SRG is founded

On 24 February, the Schweizerische Rundspruchgesellschaft (Swiss Broadcasting Corporation), known as SRG, is founded as an umbrella organisation for all Switzerland’s regional radio broadcasters. The Federal Council grants SRG an exclusive licence to broadcast radio programmes in Switzerland.
Maurice Rambert

Maurice Rambert becomes SRG’s first Director General. Term of office: 1931–1936.
Radio Bern

The Radiogenossenschaft Bern (Radio Association of Bern) was founded on 15 August 1925, and soon officially renamed as Radio Bern. In 1931, Radio Bern moved from the Kursaal Schänzli to the radio studio in Bern’s Schwarztorstrasse, which is still in use today.
National radio broadcasters Sottens and Beromünster begin operating
Switzerland’s first German and French-language national broadcasters were both established in 1931. Sottens first took to the airwaves in March, with Beromünster following in May.
Annual report 1931

Hermann Gwalter

Hermann Gwalter becomes SRG's first chairman. Term of office: 1931–1932.
Radio programmes become household names
The number of radio licence-payers soars by 81,376, to 231,397. The titles of radio programmes become household names. The first test programmes for Italian-speaking Switzerland are broadcast via the telephone network.
News from the Swiss News Agency
SRG is only allowed to broadcast news programmes produced by the Schweizerische Depeschenagentur (SDA), Switzerland’s national news agency. In the early days of radio, this means broadcasting just two news bulletins per day. A contract to this effect is signed between SRG and SDA.
Radio for schools

Radio programmes for schools (known in German as Schulfunk) are introduced in November. SRG has been working with schools to produce programmes ever since.
Annual report 1932