Subsidiary shareholding

Subsidiaries are companies which belong at least 50 % to SRG SSR. The SRG heads these companies through representation at each Board of Directors.

SRG's subsidiary SWISS TXT is its multimedia competence centre. She is a service provider for ICT infrastructure, video and audio streaming and accessibility services (subtitling, audio description, translation into sign language).

Legal form Limited company
Management Martin Schneider
Year of foundation  1983
SRG shareholding  100 %
Co-shareholder none


Telvetia SA is an affiliated company that works together with the Enterprise Units of SRG.




The Institut für Rundfunktechnik GmbH in Munich was a common research institute for all German, Austrian and Swiss public broadcasters. The affiliation with IRT was cancelled at the end of 2020. IRT is in liquidation.

  • SRG shareholding: 5.7%

The SRG Enterprise Units SRF and RTS supply Keystone sda with up-to-date video content. These are videos with important national and international news from the various departments. Keystone SDA is entitled to make video content supplied by SRG available to its customers.

  • SRG shareholding: 7%

The main purpose of Radio Events GmbH is to organise the Swiss Radio Day.

  • SRG shareholding: 50%

The Schweizer Mediendatenbank AG (SMD) is a data bank containing articles from print and online media, notifications from news agencies and audio and TV contents. It includes around 880 national and also international sources in five languages. The SMD stocks are updated daily and are selectively available from as early as 1980.

SMD is owned one third each by the media companies Ringier, TX Group Ltd and SRG.

  • SRG shareholding: 33.3%
  • Founded in 1996

SwissMediaCast AG ensures the distribution of DAB+ signals, the new standard for digital radio, throughout German-speaking Switzerland and Ticino.

  • SRG shareholding: 7.7%

Swiss Media Forum AG organizes events in the fields of media, politics and economics that promote dialogue between decision-makers from these areas.

  • SRG shareholding: 10%

The “Swiss Radioplayer” is an application in which all Swiss radios can be found. SRG and the three Swiss radio associations “Verband Schweizer Privatradios” (VSP), “Union nicht-kommerzorientierter Lokalradios” (UNIKOM) and “Radio Régionales Romandes” (RRR) have jointly launched “Swiss Radioplayer”.

  • SRG shareholding: 25%
  • Founded in 2019

TV5 Monde broadcasts French-language news and information programmes worldwide in nine versions adapted to the respective time zones. TV5 Monde is supported by the public broadcasters of four French-speaking countries in France, Belgium, Canada and Switzerland.

  • SRG shareholding: 8.8%
  • Founded in 1984

Viasuisse AG captures, verifies and processes traffic information on road and rail from all over Switzerland around the clock and continually passes it on to SRG media and other customers in three languages.

Viasuisse AG obtains its information from the police and the SBB, among others. In addition, Viasuisse AG processes information from road users who call the freephone number 0800 888 123.

  • SRG shareholding: 36.1%
  • Founded in 2001

Last updated: May 2023