Information for everyone
Information is the source of democracy and freedom of opinion. Carefully researched information broadcasts shed light on socio-political affairs from various perspectives. They provide background context, offer guidance and stimulate discussion. Information is a public service.
Information for the whole of Switzerland
SRG’s information and news programmes report on current affairs in Switzerland and all over the world. They offer an independent yet unmistakably Swiss view of political, economic and social events.
Information and reports must be carefully researched and communicated in a credible way to enable people to form their own opinions freely. Our independent reporting plays an important role in this – and thus enhances the political culture in Switzerland.
Information round the clock
Programmstunden nach Inhalt - SRG SSR

Over 50% of media fees income
are invested in public information programming.
Programmstunden nach Inhalt - SRG SSR

Information makes up
38% of our TV broadcasting time
14% of our radio broadcasting time
Information enables integration
SWI reports daily on Swiss politics, business, culture, society and science in ten languages. This service is aimed at an international audience, thus helping to facilitate integration for foreigners. SWI’s wide range of online services are also useful for Swiss people abroad, providing them with information on matters such as Swiss federal referendums and elections.

Information at first hand
SRG correspondents throughout Switzerland and across the world provide first-hand reports – a service that only a few European public service broadcasters can offer. We maintain the highest quality standards and our audience appreciates this.
As surveys have shown time and again, they recognise the high credibility and information content we offer.

Correspondent Pascal Weber in Cairo.
Civis Media Price
The Civis Media Foundation recognises radio and television programmes that promote peaceful coexistence of people from different backgrounds. SRG has been media partner of the event since 2007.
Last updated: May 2024