Broadcasting for everyone

SRG produces and broadcasts programmes for the whole of Switzerland. We have a complex infrastructure in place to ensure we can fulfil our distribution remit.

With various reception options available for our radio and television programmes, almost 100 % coverage of households in Switzerland is guaranteed. We are investing in the digital future of media, thus exploiting the potential and quality offered by new technology for the benefit of our audience. We make it possible for viewers and listeners to enjoy high-definition television (HDTV and Dolby Digital) or interference-free radio (Digital Audio Broadcasting, DAB+).

Broadcasting programmes and content

  • Satellite (DVB-S)
  • Cable (DVB-C)
  • Internet/streaming
  • Digital IPTV box
  • HbbTV
  • DAB+
  • Satellite radio
  • Internet radio
  • Cable radio
  • Internet television
  • Digital IPTV box
  • Internet radio

Changing use of media

The digital revolution is changing media consumers’ habits and needs:

  • Online multimedia serves special interests better than linear broadcasting formats.
  • Consumers are increasingly accessing services via multifunctional devices at any time and anywhere.
  • Linear radio consumption among young people is on the decline. Nevertheless, our stations have fared better than those of our competitors. Thanks to time-shifted listening (podcasts, radio on demand) via the Internet, we are attracting new radio listeners.
  • Thanks to the Internet, TV consumers are no longer tied to fixed programme schedules. They can watch the television content that appeals to them most at any time they like.

We are adapting our multimedia services to keep pace with this change and thus reaching out to the new media generation.