SRG SSR is an association which comprises four regional companies with around 23,500 members. Membership is open to all those with an interest in the media.
The regional companies establish SRG SSR in society by stimulating and leading public debates about the audiovisual public service. At the same time, the regional companies bring the concerns of the general public to the SRG and influence the focus and quality of SRG content.
Article 4 of the SRG SSR statutes outlines the responsibilities of the regional companies. The association strategy of 15 June 2021 puts this in concrete terms.
The association’s supreme body is the Delegates Assembly. The SRG’s Board of Directors is the Management Board. The presidents of the four regional companies are members of both the Board of Directors and the Delegates Assembly concurrently.

Four regional companies
In every regional company, a public council guarantees the exchange between the public and those responsible for creating programmes. This is how the public council supports the programming of the SRG media house. An ombudsman’s office receives complaints concerning SRG content and draws up recommendations for the editorial teams from this.
Last updated: May 2024