The SRG SSR timeline since 1931

Annual report 1993

Annual report 1994

Option Musique goes on air

Radio Suisse Romande’s fourth station, Option Musique, «La chaîne de la chanson» (‘The chanson station’) broadcasts for the first time.

Radio e Televisiun Rumantscha

Televisiun Rumantscha becomes independent of Schweizer Fernsehen DRS. The enterprise unit responsible for programming in Romansh expands to cover radio and television, under the new name of Radio e Televisiun Rumantscha.

Vision du Réel

Photo: Vision du Réel / Anne Colliard

SRG now also became media partner of Visions du Réel – the only Swiss film festival entirely dedicated to documentaries.

Preserving our audio-visual heritage: SRG founds the Memoriav Network

SRG comes together with a number of other institutions to found the Memoriav Network. Memoriav aims to preserve Switzerland’s audio-visual cultural heritage, and to open it up to the public at large. Since the network was founded, SRG has been committed to preserving its archives and making them accessible to the public.

Annual report 1995

Armin Walpen

Armin Walpen becomes the seventh General Director of SRG. He had previously worked at the Tages-Anzeiger, at the Federal Department of Justice and Police, and at SRG. Term of office: 1996–2011.

Musigwälle 531

Schweizer Radio DRS launches Musigwälle 531 (Music Wave 531). The station is focused on Swiss folk music and easy listening, and is designed to complement DRS.

Annual report 1996