Pascal Crittin

Copyright: SRG SSR/Thomas Plain

Director of Radio Télévision Suisse

  • Executive Board member since 2017
  • Switzerland, born in 1968

Career to date

Pascal Crittin graduated from the University of Fribourg with a Licentiate (Master) degree in humanities and musicology. His introduction to media and communications came as head of the St-Augustin publishing house. In 2002 he was named Director of RTS radio station RTS Espace 2, where he oversaw a major overhaul of the station’s cultural and music programming. Pascal Crittin served as Secretary General of RSR from 2008 to 2009, and took part in the convergence project that gave birth to RTS. From January 2010 to March 2017, he headed up RTS's "Affaires générales" ("General Business") department. He was appointed Director of RTS in May 2017.

Offices held

Glückskette Foundation [Chain of Happiness] (Chairman of the Board of Trustees); Médias Francophones Publics (Vice-President); Fonsart (Vice-Chairman of the Board of Trustees); Fondation pour la création numérique (Chairman of the Board of Trustees); HES-SO (Member of the Strategy Board); Initiative for Media Innovation (IMI) (Member of the Board); Association "De la scène à l'écran" (Member)