Giovanna Masoni Brenni

Copyright: SRG SSR/Severin Nowacki
Vice-Chair of SRG and Chair of SSR.CORSI
- Member of the Board of Directors since 2024
- Vice-Chair of the Board of Directors since 2024
- Switzerland, born in 1963
Professional career
After obtaining her law degree at the University of Zurich in 1988, Giovanna Masoni Brenni has been working as a lawyer and notary in the family law firm founded in 1958. She has been an SBA lawyer in the field of construction and real estate law since 2020. From 1992 to 2016, she held legislative and executive political offices for the Radical-Liberal Party (FDP) in Lugano. Among other things, she was deputy mayor of Lugano, where she headed the construction department as well as the culture and education department. She was a member of the SSR.CORSI Regional Board from 2020 to 2023 and became its regional president in 2024.
Offices held
Banca del Ceresio SA, Lugano (Chair of the Board of Directors); Istituto Svizzero di Roma, Rom/Mailand (Vice-President of the Board of Trustees)