The SRG SSR timeline since 1931
Annual report 1945
Chaîne du bonheur
In 1946, 150 pies and cakes were delivered to hospital patients, all of them made by listeners.
Radio Lausanne’s Roland Nordmann and Jack Rollan broadcast the first ‘Chaîne du bonheur’ (Chain of Happiness) on Radio Sottens, raising money to help the disadvantaged in Switzerland and abroad. Radio Beromünster and Radio Monte Ceneri soon follow suit with ‘Glückskette’ (which also translates as ‘Chain of Happiness) and ‘La buona azione’ (The Good Cause) respectively.
Cumünanza Radio Rumantsch founded
Cumünanza Radio Rumantsch (CRR), based in Chur, and the Innerschweizerische Rundspruchgesellschaft (Central Switzerland Broadcast Corporation, IRG), based in Lucerne, were both established in 1946, though neither had its own radio studio.
First post-war Delegates Assembly
The first post-war SRG Delegates Assembly is held, after a seven-year hiatus.
Annual report 1946
The licence fee goes up
The radio licence fee is increased for the first time, from 15 to 24 Francs. Two thirds of licence fee revenue goes to SRG, with the remainder going to the Swiss Post Office.
Annual report 1947
The Chain of Happiness crosses borders
‘Die Glückskette’ is broadcast internationally for the first time to help children in need all over Europe. Along with Switzerland, listeners in Germany, Austria, France, Italy, Monaco and the Free Territory of Trieste also take part in the appeal. Listeners in Switzerland alone raise a total of 700,000 Francs in donations.
Annual report 1948
SRG fears for its independence
The radio studios in Basel and Geneva are heavily criticised for allowing members of the Communist Party to work on their programmes. Head of the Basel studio Emil Notz is forced to resign. The debate goes on to assume a religious dimension, with Catholics demanding increased representation within the organisation and in its programmes. SRG begins to fear for its independence.