Beat Grossenbacher

Copyright: SRG SSR/Thomas Plain
Director of Finance at SRG SSR
- Executive Board member since 2014
- Switzerland, born in 1960
Career to date
After graduating in Economics, Beat Grossenbacher started his career as a consultant at Allgemeine Treuhand AG in Bern. He later worked as an auditor at Swiss Re in Zurich and for Ascom Telematic AG, before joining Telecom PTT as assistant to the CFO. This role was followed by a ten-year stint at the Swisscom, where Beat started as a Project Manager before becoming Head of Treasury. He left the company in 2008 to join BKW, where he served as CFO and Head of Finance and Services before becoming SRG’s Director of Finance in June 2014.
Offices held
SRG SSR Pension Fund (PKS CPS) (Member of the Board of Trustees); Admeira AG (Member of the Board of Trustees)